Nelson I-SITE
April 2018 means I’m heading into my third year at the Nelson I-SITE. It has been a great journey so far indeed. I pride myself on being an ambassador of our region, sharing our stunning environment and unique stories.
The team has been welcoming visitors from all over the world this summer. We have also seen a lot of kiwis and locals coming through our doors, which is great to see. Helping out visitors can be very fulfilling, whether it is booking a seat on the bus for someone from A to B, sorting out event tickets, or nailing a tailor-made NZ itinerary for a family. That is part of what we do, delivering an exceptional customer experience. But we have also focused on forming partnerships and have continuously been reaching out to our wider community. For instance, we have had the entire NMIT Tourism & Travel Course class helping us conducting an industry survey. And Charlotte, a German international student who enrolled in an exchange program with Study Nelson, has been part of our consultant team during summer. We endeavour to continue and forge more of these fructuous relationships with local organizations and are open to opportunities.
The start of winter is traditionally a turning point for us: we celebrate the end of the fun and busy summer, but we also say goodbye to our extraordinary seasonal staff, who we hope to welcome back after their overseas adventures. We are now back to our experienced winter crew of four. Renee has taken on the mantle of Dorothy, who after 8 years at the I-SITE has built a solid foundation for us to work with. We are all excited for her, as Dorothy has chosen to continue her career in the international travel industry. Renee is now the sole kiwi within our richly diverse team. Together with myself (the Belgian import), we have senior consultants Geeta from Nepal and Caryn from Malaysia staying on for the winter season.
Apart from what you know what we already do, we are also ready to answer any question. That’s right, anything you need to know, we’ll try and answer it. But careful though, we do keep a record of the most odd and silly questions we get. Did you want to know where the best place is to buy a gold fish, or were you perhaps wondering whether you could just waive down the Cook Straight ferry for a pick up? We know it all.
No seriously, come and see us at the Nelson I-SITE for quality local information on things to do. We love to share our backyard.
We are open from 10 am – 4 pm every day.
Have an extraordinary time.
David Pons
Nelson i-SITE Team Leader
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