“Where the ordinary is extraordinary” – Jess Harvey, i-SITE

Where the ordinary is extraordinary…
You know that feeling when your mood is SO GOOD it makes you want to sing out loud to every single song that comes along on your playlist and you are jittery from endorphins, serotonins, dopamines, dolphins (Yeah, I’m not 100% on what they all do – but when you’re THAT happy you don’t actually care) that you do sing out loud to every song that comes along because coming across as a complete nutter is almost totally worth it!
Hi, my name is Jess Harvey, I’ve lived in Nelson for soon 10 years and work as team leader at Nelson i-SITE visitor information centre.
For me, the easiest way to bring on the above-mentioned feeling of complete and utter happiness, where new dreams are born, my aspirations seem easily attained and goals and tasks just seem to prioritise themselves is a simple walk up Centre of NZ.
Well, that is only part of the story, but the walk up to the needle, or at least to where the track turns to tarmac does serve a vital purpose. A brisk walk up here is enough for my inner fireman (What? You don’t have an inner fireman?) to turn on the pressure hose of natural high hormones so when I get to the star of the show; Sir Stanley Whitehead Park my body and mind is rearing to go!
This section of trail is perfection for the cause as you can see the next 10 minutes of walking ahead of you. I’d love to say I’m liberated from restrictive socially accepted beliefs on how to behave, but no, “computer says no” so when all you want to do is sing out loud to every song that comes along this is fantastically helpful. Of course, it doesn’t stop that cheeky runner coming up from behind to not only laugh at you but scare you sideways in the process – because at this stage you’re not only singing out loud you are in a boxing game with the molecules of air around you, in the midst of a ceremonious African warrior dance or close to actually believing you’re a robot.
When I need clarity, productivity or change I will bring the team leader of my life out of the office and into this space of hormonal high (I’m sure there are technical terms but we don’t have time for that!) because out there everything is easy and it’s all happening!
Do you experience the same sensation from something you do in Nelson city? Please share it in the comments below – We’d love to know where the ordinary is extraordinary for you!
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