Is it October already! – Here are our gardening tips for this month : Tim’s Garden
Is it October already!
– Here are our gardening tips for this month 
* Sow flowering companion annuals including sunflowers, marigolds and cosmos. Edible flowers are also a great addition such as Nasturtiums.
* Minimise bare soil by covering it with bark or other dried organic materials.
* Sow areas of lawn where weeds were killed or areas which need to be replenished and water thoroughly (watch out for birds)
* Fertilise gardens and lawns with slow release or liquid.
* Install a watering system if you don’t have one or start collecting rain water in preparation for the hot summer.
* Harden off your seedlings – Weathering your plants in the outdoor environment a week prior to putting them in the ground.
* Ideas for what to plant now: eggplant, peas, tomatoes, leek, carrot, blueberry, radish, beans, cucumber, courgette, lettuces. (There is still a slight chance of frost so we would recommend waiting until after Labour weekend!) Quick growing potatoes like rocket and agria sown now may be ready in time for Christmas.
* Suggested companion planting: Tomatoes, basil, lettuces, cabbages, beets, carrots, onions and parsley go well together. #timsgarden #gardeningtips #springgardening #gardeningnz #nelsonnz
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