Welcome to the team, Kathryn: The Car Company Nelson
We are excited to welcome Kathryn to our team as the new Marketing Manager/p.a/administration assistant. For any marketing enquires phone Kathryn on 0226125652 or email kathryn@carcompanynelson.co.nz
Our newest member of Staff is Kathryn Gray, we asked Kathryn a few questions to get to know her a bit better……….?
1.Which shop would you like to max out your credit card in? World
2. What was your favourite TV show growing up? Fraggle Rock
3. Choose a movie title for the story of your life? The Hangover
4. Can you play any musical instruments? The piano
5. What was your childhood nickname? Katie, Jem
6. What if anything have you re-gifted? Perfume set, a few ex’s
7. What is the oldest thing in your fridge? 3-year-old bottle of nasty hot sauce
8. Do you have any phobias? spiders
9. Coffee or tea? Milk first or last? coffee- milk first
10. What is your dream job? pathologist
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