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Get $100 off the DUTCH test at Hoffman Natural Health

I am thrilled to announce that I can now get $100 off the DUTCH test for all my patients in the US. YES!
If you’ve been battling fatigue, libido changes, weight gain, mood changes, insomnia, menstrual changes or just want to live your OPTIMAL life – now is the time to get a DUTCH test.
You’ll learn all about your hormone levels (stress hormones, sex hormones and nutritional status) AND walk away with the tools to bring them back into balance.
To learn more about the DUTCH tests and other tests I offer, check out
You Deserve to be Well ?

I’ve had a rush of patients wanting DUTCH tests lately – and each one has come back with really useful (and surprising) information that has helped inform their treatment plans.
?If you have suspected hormonal imbalances, like fatigue, insomnia, mood changes or difficulty losing weight, it’s time to stop guessing and test!
Why? Because symptoms (like acne and hirsutism for example) could be impacted by different hormones and their elimination pathways, and if you don’t know which are out of balance, you can actually make things worse if you assume there is high testosterone, when in fact testosterone may be low and other androgen metabolites are causing the symptoms.
What’s even better, is that once we identify the imbalance, we have MANY natural, safe treatment options (like supplements, herbs and healing foods) that really work! ?
Never heard of the DUTCH test? Well, I would argue it is the most comprehensive hormone test we have available – it measures hormone metabolites in urine and the samples are easy to take at home. It measures our sex hormones and stress hormones, their downstream metabolites AND measures organic acids that identify some nutritional imbalances. Is it useful for the following conditions:
✔️Fatigue, Sleep & Stress issues
✔️Low libido, Low testosterone
✔️Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Fibroids & Endometriosis
✔️PMS, Irregular, Painful and Heavy periods
✔️Depression, Anxiety & Moodiness
✔️Cancer prevention and evaluation
✔️Decrease in muscle mass or bone density
✔️Skin conditions
✔️Menopause and Perimenopausal symptoms
✔️Weight gain
Check out to find out more about functional testing or book a free discovery call with me to find out which test is right for you. ?


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