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Retirement sale has started: Glen James Jewellers

It has already started……..20% off in June, then 30% off in July, each month sees a further 10% off right up until October where it is 60% off, and then its over!

I have put an end date on Glen James Jewellers, it is the 31st October 2023.
Once its gone, its gone, there will be no second chance.

“You are too young to retire.”

This is one of the comments I hear on a daily occurrence because who retires when they choose to other than when they think they are allowed to, age is just a number.

It seems unorthodox to finish up a passion that still brings happiness to my every day.
So how did I come to making the decision to check out?

My body is still fit, energetic, and healthy to go and enjoy life… why would I not do that?
I’ve seen many people in the same business grow old and say “One day” when the time is right but they don’t make that day happen so the time is never right.

The ship is sailing ahead on full steam, and I decide to say stuff it, let’s jump overboard and see where the tide takes me.
That’s one way of describing the business and our constant workload.
Just because you love something doesn’t mean you have to dedicate your entire working life doing the same thing until you are old enough to get the pension.

Jason will still be doing jewellery repairs and hand engraving so all is not lost, so stop in and grab his business card.

Click here to find out more…

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