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Global Soap is officially “on the market.”

Looking back on the last five years has been a sobering exercise. The sheer volume of change undertaken to futureproof the business, adapting to post-pandemic trading conditions, alongside a full brand overhaul…it’s been quite the ride.
Good friends and previous owners Bronwyn and Ing-Marie spent many years perfecting their craft and creating a loyal following for their products. As they called time on their legacy, demand had outstripped manufacturing capacity and for the business to scale, investment was required. With some prudent capital spend, we were able to increase output by a factor of four, decrease FTE from 3.5 to 1.5 and still keep faithful to a handmade, cold process system producing longer lasting, handcrafted luxury items for everyday use.
We’re even prouder still of the “new look” Global Soap. Working alongside Hayley from Tizza Design (a local design agency here in Nelson) to produce a new colour scheme, recyclable packaging, logo, and refined social media content has ultimately been a thoroughly rewarding experience.
The time has come, however, for us (Jody and Dave) to consider other pursuits and adventures, and for someone new to mark their stamp on this brilliant little business.
As such, Global Soap is officially “on the market.”
Shelley May of Kakapo Business Sales is handling the process and can be contacted on 021 286 3274 or Rest assured that any new ownership will go through a full training regime to ensure you will all receive the high standard of finished product you’re used to.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions you may have.
Jody, Dave and Kate

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