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Invincible art exhibition at the Refinery Art Space on Suffrage Eve, September 18

You are warmly invited to the opening of Invincible art exhibition at the Refinery Art Space on Suffrage Eve, September 18.
Invincible celebrates 130 years of women’s suffrage in New Zealand, while at the same time raising money for the Nelson Women’s Centre, serving the community for over 30 years. Fittingly, Rachel Boyack will be our speaker and there will be nibbles, wine, a raffle, and lots of art donated by local artists for sale. It’s cash and carry so if you see something you like you can take it off the wall there and then, flash your EFTPOS and carry it out the door.
Here are the details:
party: September 18, 2023 Monday (Suffrage Eve)
time: 5:30 pm
place: Refinery Art Space
address: 114 Hardy St Nelson CBD
exhibition dates: September 16 to October 7
Ngā mihi
Alison Kennedy, Penny Molnar, Rachel Waddy, Clare Williams
the Nelson Women’s Centre
Te Whare Āwhina Mō Ngā Wāhine Puawai
44 Trafalgar St. Nelson 7010
(03) 546 7986

Click here to find out more…


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