BETWEEN TWO COLLEGES Combined NCG & NC Classical Music Concerts 4th & 5th June NCMA
We are excited to present ‘Between Two Colleges’, a combined show between Nelson College and Nelson College for Girls at the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th June.
We are using these concerts to fundraise for the music trips that we have planned for the year, which involve groups with students from both schools. Also, a portion of the funds raised will go to our newly established Music Hardship Fund, which will be used to help those promising music students for whose families, the cost of lessons has become too much in the current economic climate.
The program on the night has a classical focus and will include music from the combined groups – Concert Band, Choir and Orchestra, as well as a selection of Chamber Groups, Soloists, the NCG Choir and the Prep Choir.
Look out for other events later in the year that feature our Jazz and Contemporary group
June 4 at 6:30 PM – Jun 5 at 9PM
Event by Nelson Centre of Musical Arts
48 Nile Street, Nelson, New Zealand 7010
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