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July news from Wall to Wall Art

Detail from Waterlillies, a mosaic work by guest artist Esther Baumann.

Welcome to the July newsletter. Things may be quiet and cold outside, but it’s flat out inside Wall to Wall Art.

Guest artists for July
It’s a full house in the guest area. These artists will be in place for the entire month.

Mags Meechang

Below the Snow, by Mags Meechang.

Mags integrates landscapes and figurative themes in an expressionistic style notable for strong colour, movement and spiritual essence. She has a deep belief in people’s spiritual energies and untapped energy resources.

“I love sunshine, colour, movement, laughter and people being happy,” she says. Paintings often take their own pathway and end results may be far from that originally planned, if “planned” at all.

She’s constantly investigating new techniques and revels in texture. The focus is usually on themes and topics close to her, expressing memories, emotions, senses and interpretation.

Ana Burne

Kawakawa Crown, by Ana Burne.

Ana Burne is a self-taught multi-disciplinary artist from Tasman who enjoys combining portraits with botanicals.

“I love all mediums of painting but I mostly paint with watercolour and acrylic inks on paper. More recently I have been dabbling in gelli plate and lino printing. I’ve also found great joy in sourcing, restoring and repurposing picture frames hand-picked for my artwork.

“My work is often botanical inspired due to my love of indoor plants (I’ve lost count how many plants I have, over 150 in my indoor jungle!) and my appreciation of New Zealand native fauna. My paintings reflect the idea that we tend to plants and help them thrive and in turn they nurture our wellbeing and help us grow.”

Esther Baumann

Zesty – a bird bath by Esther Baumann.

“The thing that really hooked me about mosaics is the way each tile or element is its own little light well, like the facets on a jewel. Vibrant and reflective on a gray day, bright and shining on a sunny day, a small galaxy of reflections at night, inviting viewers to notice the intricacies and discover new aspects with each glance.

“I love bringing out the ever-changing interplay of colour, texture and ambient light, carefully shaping and arranging every element to build complex layers of gradients and patterns, while also striving for fine craftsmanship – the details are as important as the whole!

“Mosaic art allows me to share my joy and wonder for the detail and variety that make up our world, and to show how beauty can exist from many angles.”

Jeanette Brough

Grey Day Doodle, by Jeanette Brough.

Jeanette continues her guest spot for the second month.

“I’m an abstract artist who loves travelling, shoreline rambles and mountain biking.”

Feature artist

Paul Deacon continues in the Feature Artist area at the front of the gallery for another nine days.

“As an aside from the two military themed paintings on display, I have included a shot of a more passive/tranquil scene – an east coast fishing smack wending its way out of a tidal channel on a misty morning.”

Seven in the McKee Gallery

The Nelson Suter Art Society is always open to new members, who must submit work to a selection panel.

Seven new members, all of whom were accepted in 2023, will combine for the exhibition Seven.

Wall to Wall members Virginia Watson and Peter Gibbs are among this group and will be joined by Ronnie Baker, Tom Brooker, Clare Wilcox, Angela Herbert and Glen Davenport.

Virginia Watson

Virginia says of her work in this exhibition:

“I’ve been showing a number of knife paintings of shore birds lately, but quietly beavering away on landscapes in the background.

“I’m bringing three big ones to SEVEN – The Remarkables (above), a big luscious green Lewis Pass and a refashioned Kaikoura seascape. Plus of course, a selection of my leggy shore birds. “

Peter Gibbs

Bud Vase, by Peter Gibbs.

Peter continues to relearn the art of throwing after a break of thirty years. Leaving behind the wood fired, salt glazed and pit fired work of his country days dating back to the 1980s, he’s now learning about glazing in an electric kiln to suit working in a city environment.

The official launch of SEVEN at 5.30pm on Wednesday July 10 is open to all.


Click here to find out more…

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