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Health 2000 – Helping Our Region Stay Healthy And Energised

If you are reading this article there’s a high likelihood that you either live in Nelson or want to live in Nelson and enjoy the outdoors lifestyle that attracts people to this region. To get the most out of the hills and National Parks you need to be healthy.

Midwinter aches, colds and viruses can become a barrier to feeling energised about getting out and about. The winter season can be a time of unwellness and frustration for many who have previously sustained injuries or are susceptible to catching bugs when they go around. With fewer sunlight hours our moods can suffer from what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. It causes fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, and feelings of sadness.

It’s a good thing we have the benefits of modern science and time-tested products that can prevent us from falling into this ‘winter blues’ category.

“At Health 2000 we embrace the ‘fence at the top of the cliff’ scenario as opposed to the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff situation that the mainstream health care system has adapted to,” says Duncan.

There’s loads of information out there that backs up modern science and shows that with the right advice and products people suffering from a wide range of symptoms can benefit from.

With their monthly email/paper magazine they share information about products relevant to the season, be it allergies, winter colds/immunity products, joint pain and more, the focus is on educating every customer who enters the shop in person or online, so they leave with a higher understanding.

Health 2000 has upped the game when it comes to the digital space. They have helpful tips and information available on their social media platforms. The website has a Wellness hub that is very popular.

How has AI affected the health sector in recent years?

“AI has a place, and for us, we utilise a chatbot on our website to help us better assess our customer’s needs and symptoms before they book a consultation. It saves us time and resources that we can use in other areas. Although we’ve seen AI discussed in the media with doctors and specialists, the outcomes are only as good as the data being inputted. In time we will see this gap reduced and it will become a powerful tool in the health industry. It’s not quite there yet.”

It’s interesting how someone living in 2024 can google any symptom and get bombarded with various solutions. It’s a mystery how we often forget from year to year that we suffer through a repeat of the previous years’ symptoms and don’t try new things – expecting a different result.

We form habits about all aspects of modern life from an early age. Often our health mindset is passed down or caught by our parents. As we grow older and become parents, we repeat the process and so on…

Our health is an incredible asset and it’s worth developing our understanding of how we function at our optimal best in each season. Health 2000 has a vast amount of experience with all kinds of health-related matters. You will always get a genuine and professional opinion when you walk into the shop.

They have stores in Nelson (City Centre Arcade), Richmond and Motueka.

Duncan lives what he teaches, he’s an active basketball player who is heavily involved in coaching young players, being a referee and playing in the local comp and you will catch him sideline at every Giants game.

They have a great loyalty program so you can save money, plus with over 40 stores nationwide there’s knowledge shared between all the stores that helps the customer with their individual health journey.

Check out their website today.

Find them at 219 Trafalgar Street,
Shop 7 City Centre Arcade,

Call (03) 548 7294

Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday 10:00am – 2:00pm
Sunday closed

Explore the virtual tour at Health 2000

Click here to find out more…

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