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We are moving!!: Cultural Conversations

Kia ora friends, followers and supporters. We have found a new home.

It’s 123 Bridge Street and may be known to some of you as the previous ‘Little Beehive Co-op’.

It’s very exciting.

Our fundraising campaign is going really well. Thanks to the wonderful community we have managed to raise $4000 in 2 weeks. It would be amazing to get to $10,000 by the end of August so we are keeping our fingers crossed. The money raised so far has come via Direct bank transfer and the Dollars for Dreams Givealittle Campaign.

It’s not too late to host your own event.

Here’s what to do:
So far we have had pot luck dinners, movie nights, Choir and cake concert, Olympic style brunch, Chilean lunch, and there are lots more happening in August.

Here are some photos to get you in the fundraising mood!!!


Click here to find out more…

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