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It’s women’s health week!: Health 2000 (Nelson)

It’s women’s health week!
Did you know that urinary tract infections, or UTIs, affect about 20% of women? Let’s look at why they occur and how to keep them at bay:

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs as they are commonly known, typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and multiply in the bladder. Although the urinary system is designed to keep out such microscopic invaders, these defences sometimes fail. When that happens, a full-blown infection in the urinary tract can occur.

UTIs are more common in women, and many women experience more than one infection during their lifetimes. For about 20 per cent of women, the infection becomes recurrent, and some will suffer from three or more UTIs a year.

Where do they come from?

Most UTIs are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is normally found in your intestinal tract. Problems only arise when this ordinary bacteria is present in high numbers in places where it shouldn’t be, like your urinary system.

What happens?

When normal E. coli gets into your urinary tract and multiplies, you experience the usual signs and symptoms of a UTI, including:

Burning with urination
Frequent urges to urinate
Lower abdominal pain or aching
Blood in your urine (sometimes, but not always)
Cloudy urine
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