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Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, welcome to my world this weekend. Life always finds a way to rush us into things. We are constantly racing from one thing to the next, trying to meet deadlines, make decisions, & fix problems as quickly as possible. It is as if we are living in fast-forward, never really taking a moment to breathe.

But the truth is, some things take time, & no amount of pushing will speed them up. It is like trying to force a flower to bloom ~ no matter how much you want it to, it will open in its own time, when it is ready. Some things, well most things really, cannot be rushed, especially when it comes to healing from trauma.

When we are going through trauma, it is natural to want it all to be over quickly. We want the pain to stop, the answers to appear, & the future to be clear. Regretfully, life does not always cooperate when we want it to. Sometimes the best thing we can do is step back, take a deep breath, & give it time. Let things unfold as they will. Give time, just time…

Giving time is not really about giving up or sitting on the sidelines. Rather, it is about being patient with ourselves, with others, & with life itself. It is about trusting things will come together, even if we cannot see how right now. The fog will eventually lift, & clarity will come when it is ready ~ when we are ready. This act is a leap of faith, & sometimes, it brings challenging battles to shape our stories. But in time, it also offers the sweet surprise of unexpected joy, the good fortune which comes only from letting go of plans & waiting for time to run its course.

Waiting is not easy. It can feel like nothing is happening like we are stuck in place while the world moves on without us. But in those quiet moments, when we feel like everything is at a standstill, & often when the most important growth is happening beneath the surface.

Imagine a river, calm & still on the surface, with barely a ripple to suggest movement. If we were to stand on the bank & watch, it might seem as though the water is barely moving. But beneath this peaceful surface, powerful currents are flowing, shaping the riverbed, carrying sediments & sustaining the cycle of life. Even when they are not visible, they are constantly at
work, slowly transforming the environment around them. We might not see the progress, but deep down, just because it is not visible does not mean it is not happening.

We are often uncomfortable with stillness, conditioned to think speed equates to progress ~ & faster is always better. But time operates on its own terms, indifferent to our demands, & its gifts are not always wrapped in neat packages.

Time is more than just something to heal wounds. It is a ticking reminder life is precious, & every second is passing. We do not get endless amounts of it, so it is important to make the most of this time. We may think we have all the time in the world, yet we never seem to have enough.

There will always be unresolved conversations, uncertain choices, & unbearable costs. But life does not wait for everything to be perfect. Life goes on, even if it feels like it has stopped. So be patient, but be present.
We just need to trust in time, things will make sense. The hurt will fade. The confusion will clear & the answers we are looking for will find their way to us. Time will get us to where we need to be. But do not let it steal away the life we are living right now.

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide merely an opinion in my world. Thank you again for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. I hope your days are filled with love & affection. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes

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