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Waahi Taakaro Golf Results, Tuesday 20th August

Waahi Taakaro Golf Results
Tuesday 20th August
1st with a +2 Nick Green And Paul Tunnicliff and 3rd with a +1 G Coombes, N Shaw & G Ferguson
Golden Oldies 22nd August
Phil Sellers fine run of form continued on Thursday (Aug 22) Golden Oldies when he took honours with 23 points. Ian Hanford was 2nd, while Lloyd Moyer, Michael Boyle, Paul McCrae & Noel Shaw came in third.
Club results August 24 th August
Nine-Holes with Heather Carey 1st with 36, followed by Andrew Dean with 37, then Lloyd Moyle, John Dixon, Paul McCrae.
In the 18 Holes – Barkman & Shootout Round we had Maurice Woodhouse and Bryce Vincent 1st, followed by Jim McMullin and Gareth Jamieson.

Total Golf Open Results.
The Waahi Taakaro 4-man team played in the Total Golf Open over the weekend at Nelson yesterday and Motueka.
James Campion Aaron Kotua Keri Kotua and Peter Green represented the club. In the open each team takes the top 3 stableford scores on each hole as a team. Congratulations to Waahi Taakaro team as we came second with 225 stableford boys overall.

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