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Being Lonely is Okay…

Being Lonely is Okay…
Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, welcome to my world this weekend. I am a person with only a few close friends, which sometimes makes me feel lonely. Whilst I do not think I am antisocial, however, often feel I do not fit in much.

In my youth, most of the time, I felt alone with my thoughts. I used to feel bad, thinking I was weird because others did not talk to me much, making me feel unlikeable. But as one grows, I realized we do not need to change for others, just do what is best for me. Loneliness is also unavoidable at times. No matter how many friends we have, they will all eventually go.

Back then, I used to play tennis, badminton, golf & rugby [not well], & the only people who shared my interests, they became my best friends. Whenever I felt lonely, I would hang out with them. Just being together, & discussing common things, made me content.

But time changed everything. We have all grown up, each focused on our own lives. Some have married, some stayed in my home village & city, & others, like myself, have moved onto ‘greener’ pastures. When we subsequently met, silence dominated. Our lives have diverged, no longer relevant to each other. We had become strangers, with no remedy.

I am sure many an adult experiences the same; year by year, we only become lonelier. We meet many people from a young age, but by our 20s, our friend circle shrinks. This is particularly the position if you change jobs around the country often. We can only befriend those who relate to our life.

Entering the workforce, we also become busier, with no more time to have fun with friends.
Then all to be left are parents, spouse, & children. But time keeps passing by. Sooner or later, our parents will be gone & our children will grow up, living their own lives.

We finally become the loneliest we have ever been. This is the sad reality of life. However, it is okay to be lonely… I think we are all unique, shaped by different environments. If only a few can relate to us, what can we do? At some point, we will be lonely in our own thoughts.

People also come & go; nothing lasts forever. But having a few true friends is better than none at all. Loneliness may seem bad, but life is life. Just as people tell us to be happy, there are often unhappy moments. The best we can do is to respect those who stick by us & be kind to them.

Hopefully, they will stay with us for a long time & be there when we need them. Because people can never live without others.

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide merely an opinion in my world. Thank you
again for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. I hope your days are filled with love & affection. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes

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