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Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world this weekend. Have you ever met somebody shouting their lungs out about fairness only to turn around & betray their own preaching in the darkness?

It is just so easy to dictate what is right, what actions must be taken, how situations can be managed, how problems should be resolved. But pause & ask yourself, what is your move when you find yourself trapped in a situation you have always been giving out advice on? Do you practice what you preach? Do you walk the talk, maybe frequently, maybe seldom?

This is a curious thing about humans ~ we just cannot resist the urge to correct each other. It is almost ingrained in our very DNA, this desire to give out free advice, pointing out flaws others possess & advising what is best for them. It is not an uncommon sight. A constant war between words & actions. We have all been there, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally. Just knowing is not enough, is it?

Wake up early, exercise, read, manage time efficiently, eat well, work hard, practice mindfulness, learn, grow & explore. This is not something you have never known before, you are familiar with these ideas but putting them into action is where the challenge lies. This is where our true knowledge is tested.

Well, I feel every creature breathing on this planet today is a philosopher, we feel it in our hearts when we deviate from what is right. A thief knows when they have crossed a line, a murderer understands the weight of their actions, & the other criminals know the gravity of their karma.

We are well-acquainted with our own missteps, yet choose to overlook them. But what happens when you betray the promises you have made to yourself? Typically one begins to unlove yourself, drifting away from self-love. Well, if you genuinely loved yourself, would you be breaking those self-made promises?

This very struggle of loving oneself stems from our failure to keep promises we made to ourselves. As each promise breaks, a piece of our self-worth crumbles away, a part of our confidence dies, & our subconscious starts to whisper ~ we are worthless.

We start to long for the time of self-acceptance we once knew. Well, we shifted from walking the talk to action, & from our promises un-kept to self-love. Yet, one truth remains unchanged ~ “Ideas are worth nothing unless executed.”

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.

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