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Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world this weekend. An author writes: ‘Columbia researcher Sheena Iyengar has found the average person makes about seventy conscious decisions every day. This is 25,550 decisions a year. Over seventy years, & incredibly ~ 1,788,500 decisions.
Albert Camus said, “Life is a sum of all your choices.” You put all those 1,788,500 choices together, this is who you are. Victor Frankl was a brilliant doctor whom the Nazis imprisoned in a concentration camp. They took away his livelihood, confiscated his possessions, mocked his dignity, & killed his family.
They locked him in a cell with no way out… But he found a door his guards did not know about: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms ~ to choose ones’ attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones’ own way.”
He found, when his circumstances had closed every outer door to him, they revealed doors which matter far more ~ the doors through which a soul can leave fear & enter into courage, leave hatred & enter into forgiveness, leave ignorance & enter into learning.
He discovered his guards were actually far more imprisoned ~ by cruelty & ignorance & foolish obedience to barbarism ~ than he was imprisoned by walls & barbed wire. Some people learn this & become free; some never see it & live their lives as prisoners. [1]
The difference is in the door you choose or the attitude you choose. This is why today, we should choose the right attitude! Just like our Mako men will do this coming week, maintaining the culture & values they have developed over the year, & be back next week in the quarter finals.
Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.

[1] References accessed from Bob & Debby Gass – Radio Rhema Word for Today September 11th 2024

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