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Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world this weekend. John Gray wrote the best-selling book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. His underlying idea
was: to get along with others, we must see life from their perspective.

This is not always easy. People who demand others think & act the same way they do are often masking insecurities. They have a deep-rooted need to have their own opinions confirmed through what others do & think. But this is not how life works.

We are all unique, & it is highly unlikely we will agree on everything. But the way we handle our disagreements determines whether a relationship will last. Being fair, opening ourselves to the ideas & perspectives of others & to new ways of doing things, is how we grow.

The important thing is to respect others’ ideas & create an environment where everyone involved feels free to express their feelings & be who they are, without fear of being judged.

So where am I coming from this week dear reader. Following the quarter final results for our local Tasman Mako team for the year, I have received many commiserations as their #1 supporter. Comments like: You will no doubt be in shock, like me, at seeing the way the Mako season ended! So near so far!!! Some suggestions were regretfully somewhat derogatory…

Invariably my response was similar, suggesting to the contrary. Regretfully, the Mako chapter & our Shield history is complete, & what a great chapter it was too. As one of the smaller unions, too many injuries, & the difficulty of concluding a storm week with two of the top teams in competition in four days.

However, we were still third on table & we actually beat the four semi-finalists well during the year to extent it was a privilege to be there… I noted in one of the semi-finals yesterday a commentator noted one team had six wins & five losses [another team we beat], & they will be the final next weekend. Interestingly we had eight wins & three losses, one with our second fifteen during this horrible storm week.

There will be days for some people when they will feel like nothing is going right. But in those times one needs to keep going & remind ourselves redirection is protection & failure is part of success. The truth is everything is going to be alright, including me. Life is just falling into place. I honestly felt we had a great year including the positivity bought into the entire top of south region for 29 days during our Ranfurly Shield tenure, & many people will remember…

To conclude: what is the difference between success & value? Are they mutually inclusive? Success is what you see, value is what defines you. Success is materialistic often temporary; values are selfless, always permanent… This is what I gained from the year! Finz Up

Accordingly, my message for the week centres on mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness & patience. Make allowance for the faults of each other, & forgive anyone who offends you. Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.

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