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A special visit and delivery by our lovely Auckland based jeweller Beatrice Carlson: Craig Potton Gallery + Store

Et voila! A special visit and delivery by our lovely Auckland based jeweller Beatrice Carlson. Such a treat to have her spend some time with us at the gallery (not to mention her hanging/instal skills!) Merci @beatricecarlsonart 🙌
Her Talisman Series necklaces are now available from the gallery and online 💙🤍❤️
“The Talisman Series is inspired by the wish that, implicitly, our ancient fathers and mothers enclosed in small objects to keep with them, so that the beauty (and the good) might overcome evil and adverse fortune.
What today we generically refer to as jewellery, trinkets, bijoux descends in fact from different declinations of objects that men and women since ancient times used to adorn the body, attributing to them a semantic cipher that transformed them, to all intents and purposes, into language.“


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