Letting Go…
Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world week, the first back to work for many. Perhaps a good reminder of leaving our holidays behind us, is the memories. Letting go is one of the most challenging yet liberating practices on the journey of life. It requires us to release our grip on the things we hold onto most tightly, whether they are holidays, material possessions, relationships, expectations, or past experiences.
This act of letting go is not about abandoning responsibilities or neglecting what matters in life. At the core of letting go is the understanding everything in life is transient & lasting only for a short time. We live in a world of impermanence, where change is the only constant. Yet, we often cling to people, things, & ideas as if they are permanent; fearing any losses inevitably comes with change. This clinging creates a sense of security, however, regretfully, it can also be an illusion.
When we attach ourselves to something or someone, we set ourselves up for disappointment & pain when the natural flow of life takes its course & which we held is taken away or changes form.
Letting go is an invitation to trust in the flow of life, to surrender to the present moment without trying to control or manipulate it. It means accepting we cannot hold onto anything forever, & in letting go, we make space for new experiences, opportunities, & growth. This practice is about releasing the need to control outcomes & instead, embracing uncertainty & the unknown with a sense of
openness & curiosity. 1
The process of letting go often begins with self-awareness. We need to recognize what we are holding onto & why. Are we clinging to a relationship out of fear of being alone? Are we holding onto a past hurt because it has become part of our identity? Are we grasping onto material possessions because we equate them with our self-worth?
Once we have identified what we need to let go of, the next step is to release it with compassion. Letting go does not mean forcing ourselves to forget or dismiss our feelings. It is about acknowledging our emotions, allowing ourselves to grieve if necessary, & then gently releasing the
person, or attachment, simply taking time to reflect & breathe through the discomfort.
One of the most powerful aspects of letting go is the freedom it brings. When we release something, or someone, we free ourselves from an emotional weight. Whilst people will no longer be forgotten, we no longer need to expend energy trying to hold onto something no longer with us. Instead, we can redirect this energy towards what truly matters: our inner peace, our personal
growth, & our connection to the present moment.
Letting go also opens the door to forgiveness, both of ourselves & others. When we let go of past hurts & grudges, we free ourselves from the cycle of blame & resentment. We allow ourselves to heal & move forward without the burden of unresolved emotions, liberating ourselves from the pain keeping us stuck.
Ultimately, letting go is an act of trust ~ trust in ourselves, in the process of life, & in something greater than ourselves. It is about recognizing we do not have to control every aspect of our lives to be safe & fulfilled, & we align ourselves with the natural rhythm of life.
In this space of surrender, we find a deeper sense of peace & contentment. We learn to realize true freedom comes not from holding on but from letting go. It is in this release we discover our true selves, unburdened by the past, open to the present, & ready to embrace the future with grace,
calmness & composure.
Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.
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