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Kevin Burgess Horizons Exhibition Invitation at Craig Potton Gallery

We are delighted to welcome Kevin Burgess back to Craig Potton Gallery for his second solo show here – the first being his hugely successful exhibition Hydrology back in 2023.

We warmly invite you to join us for the opening of Horizons –
5:30pm Thursday 20th February
Craig Potton Gallery – 255 Hardy St. Nelson

Two years ago, we had our first exhibition of my friend Kevin Burgess’s (“Burge”) wonderful paintings centred on Tahunanui Beach, the Boulder Bank, and Delaware Bay with their archetypal often stormy western skylines. It (Hydrology) was the most successful opening night in the history of the Gallery.

This time Burge has returned with a focus on our well loved Nelson Lakes National Parks, especially Lake Rotoiti and views from the Mount Robert ridge both to the east and the receding ridges westward.

Burge’s paintings always create a wonderful sense of place, and it is our place! But don’t be fooled into thinking its a simple exercise in realism; his verisimilitude is underpinned by very coherent compositional lines, none more so than the placement of the horizon, and also his very specific colour palette which is built-up by many layers of oils to create a wonderful resonance.

Burge says of his choice to paint in oils … “Oil paint is old technology and more difficult to manage than acrylics, but it’s my chosen medium because I am primarily a colourist. I rely on a surprisingly shortlisted palate. Some favourites are Umbers, Siennas, Paynes Grey and Cerulean Blue. The pleasure of mixing these is transferred to the canvas.”

This is an exhibition not to miss. It is highly crafted fine art of places we Nelsonian’s know and love.

Click here to find out more…

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