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New Osteoporosis Program At Sports Therapy

Doctor recommends exercise?

But what exercise?

Research has demonstrated that only certain types of exercise improve bone health.

Onero is an award winning evidence-based exercise programme for osteoporosis.
Onero has been shown to reduce osteoporotic fracture risk in postmenopausal women and older men with low to very low bone mass.

The programme improves bone, muscle and physical function and is safe for people with low bone mass when supervised.

We are starting classes at Sports Therapy Nelson in March 2025.

 What can you expect?

• You will have an initial individual consultation with Nicole van Vledder (physiotherapist) and thereafter be included in the class.
• You will start and be progressed safely and slowly, with constant supervision. (You may start by lifting a broomstick until you are safe with the technique, or you may be able to start lifting more load)
• You will learn specific exercises that have been proven to build bone.

Our website, has more information under the ‘services’ tab. Just pick the Onero option and be encouraged by reading the case studies.

I look forward to supporting you on your journey to improve your bone health and decrease your fracture risk.

Warm regards
Sports Therapy Nelson
132 Collingwood Street

** Functional Strength & Conditioning for Older Adults **
STARTING WEDNESDAY 5TH MARCH and only 8 spots available, so be sure to book in soon if you’re keen.
For further info, give us a call on 03 548 1221 or check out our website

Sports Therapy is an independent one-stop Physiotherapy treatment centre located at 132 Collingwood Street in Nelson. They have a huge wealth of knowledge, experience and qualified practitioners on-site to help anyone recover from a wide range of injuries.
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