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Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world today. In my last article I reflected on Running Away. Continuing on the same theme today, I have been considering over the week a term my dear mother used often: hitting a brick wall.

A tall wall looms in front of me. What is the view on the other side? How will it look? 1

It is a view I could not see on my own. But perhaps, if I am not alone, I might. I know things did not go as smoothly at first, but I understand one thing: We do not amount to much on our own, but we can affect one another together. When people meet, this moment can change the world. I had forgotten what was important. I am not fighting alone. 2

Yet, the wall remained. It does not falter, & it did not crack under the weight of my frustrations. As if standing tall, silent, & waiting for me to decide if I will walk away or take the first step.

I once thought strength came from doing it all alone. I wore my independence like armour, convincing myself by asking for help was a sign of weakness. But life has a way of teaching lessons when we least expect it. A hand, or even a knowing nod, reminds us strength is not found in isolation. Rather, it is shared.

The wall was not the obstacle I thought it was. It was a challenge, yes, but it also holds a promise. A promise suggesting if the right people are by my side, it can be climbed. Together, we can find the cracks to grip, the ledges to rest on. Together, we can reach the top, & when this moment comes, the view will not just be mine… it will be ours.

I have found life does not give us walls to defeat us. It gives us walls to test us, to push us to grow; & whilst the climb may feel overwhelming at times, it is also where we find courage. It is where we learn reaching out does not make us weaker; it makes us human.

So I no longer have to do it alone! There is strength in the people around us, & it is empowering to be accepting their help. Every step, every slip & every hand extended will make the view from the top so much more meaningful.

The walls are not meant to stop us, but to remind us, moving forward will shape us in ways standing still never could. The climb will change the view not just ahead, but within.

You are not fighting alone! Indeed, if this is how you feel, then please reach out, help is there.

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.

1 Varun Chandramouleeswaran
2 & inspired by the dialogues in Haikyuu

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