Club 24 is the nominated charity for this year’s Street Hop event.
By supporting Club 24 you are helping Nelsonians achieve optimal mental health recovery and wellbeing. Your donation will support the provision of activities, services, and resources at Nikau House.
Club 24 started in 1992, based out of the first Community Mental health Centre in Nelson, Nile House. This center ran under the Clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation. The model aims to help members (people with experience of mental health problems) to rejoin society and maintain their place in it; it builds on people’s strengths, provides mutual peer support, alongside support from professional mental health staff. Members receive prevocational work training, educational opportunities, and social support.
Kayaking on Nelson Haven, sponsored by Club 24 Plates of kai lined up for Mid-winter Christmas dinner, served at Nikau House, funded by Club 24 A member on a day outing boards the Mapua Ferry. Outing costs subsidised by Club 24 Staff and members working on lunch at Nikau House. Café operation raises funds for Club 24 A member works in the Nikau House garden. Plants, compost, and equipment funded by Club 24 Swimmers take to the water for a mid-winter swim, raising funds for Club 24
Club 24 took its name from our street address (then 24 Nile St) and from the Clubhouse model. Over time Nile House became Nikau House and we occupied four different premises across the Nelson CBD, before settling in our current location at 86 to 88 Selwyn Place. While there have been changes to our services over the years, the key values and principles remain the same. Club 24 remains committed to helping Nelsonians achieve optimal mental health recovery and wellbeing. We do this by supporting members to achieve their social, educational, vocational and recreational goals.
Club 24 fulfils a recognised need within our community to ‘normalise’ the experiences of individuals with mental health problems by providing opportunities for its members to participate in activities that will assist them to achieve their goals. Long term benefits include a better standard of living, an increased sense of empowerment, self-worth and confidence and acceptance within the community as valued and respected citizens.
Watch this space for more stories of how Club 24 supports mental health and wellbeing in our community.
Support Club 24 because: “Mental Health Matters!”
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