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Naver Walking Mountain : Quiet Dog Gallery

Paintings that draw inspiration from the mountains, rivers and valleys of the alpine regions of Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa

“Making paintings is like being a snake, every once in a while you shed a skin, but the snake remains essentially the same, whilst the painter doesn’t know what shape he is. I try to break the code of the painting and let it take on a life of its own.
All the paintings begin as an exploration and the interpretation of natural forces, elemental material forms and the elusive experience of moving through the transient boundaries between land, sea and sky, rather than a stationary view of the landscape.  It’s an attempt to bring into focus together two superimposed imageries, one paint-led, the other perception-led where the nervous activity of perception must be incarnate in the material body of painting.
The paintings are an amalgamation of lots of things I see that may not be seen at the same time, but are all made of elements from direct observation, rearrangements of the visual cues that make the sea the sea, the sky the sky.  The paintings shift from big skies and mountain massifs to a landscape with an attentiveness to place, of detail and multiplicity in the silvery translucent greys and earth tones of the southern alpine regions.

Like the Saturday morning cartoons of my childhood where the cartoon snake swallows some distinctive shaped object and distends itself into the same form, the transitory connections of the images in this exhibition are continually re-building and re-inventing themselves, finding new meanings from already existing foundations.”

David Ryan


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