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Stay protected under the sun’s rays: Health 2000 Nelson

Summer is finally here! Swimming, summer sports, gardening, barbecues, the beach – bring it on! To protect yourself from the sun’s strong rays, it’s important to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn and skin damage.

However, the delicate structures that lie beneath the skin’s surface also require protection. It is this dynamic layer where collagen, elastin and other connective tissues are working hard to repair, renew and replace old cells. When free radicals from sunlight block this process, new cells are not being made, which speeds up the ageing process. Wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin and dark pigmentation are a few of the visible signs of sun damage to the skin, not to mention sunburn and harmful free radical damage. The skin’s underlying layers need protection!

We have a solution – astaxanthin!

As one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants, it is ideal for eliminating free radicals in the body, and in particular, free radicals caused by sunlight. Astaxanthin neutralises the oxidation caused by free radicals to rescue the cell, stopping the free radicals before the damage is done. Astaxanthin captures more free radicals than any other antioxidant.

Studies showed that individuals who supplemented with astaxanthin took twice as much direct sunlight exposure to develop sunburn and skin inflammation as those who did not. Astaxanthin provides a layer of protection to protect the skin from the inside, out. It supports an improved skin tone, skin moisture and elasticity. In addition to skin support, astaxanthin crosses the blood brain barrier, offering protection to the brain and spinal cord.

Astaxanthin also supports eye health, heart health, healthy cholesterol levels, speedy sports recovery, and age-related joint and muscle health issues. It increases endurance, boosts energy and fights fatigue. What a super powerful antioxidant!

Lighthouse Natural Astaxanthin is a natural source of astaxanthin, to help eliminate your body from free radicals, making you healthy from the inside, out! Use Lighthouse Natural Astaxanthin in conjunction with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and well-covered clothing.


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