A Treasured Ancestor: Nelson Provincial Museum
Visit this precious portrait of Atama Paparangi by Charles Frederick Goldie in our special exhibition, Morimoritia Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho | Treasured: Objects of Mana and Significance.
Atama Paparangi lived from 1821 to 1915 and was the Chief of the Taomaui hapū, of Te Rarawa, a status gained through a unique whakapapa from Tūmoana who captained the Tinana waka which landed in Ahipara.
Exhibition on now until July 9th
10:00am – 5:00pm weekdays
10:00am – 4:30pm weekends and public holidays
Corner Trafalgar and Hardy Streets, Nelson
FREE for Nelson Tasman ratepayers and residents
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