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Celebrate International Lemur Day on the 27th of October: Natureland Wildlife Trust

Join people from all around the world to celebrate International Lemur Day on the 27th of October! Did you know, Lemurs are NOT monkeys? These gorgeous, fluffy primates are prosimians — a group of primates that also includes Lorises, Bushbabies and Tarsiers. In the Lemur world the ladies rule!

Most prosimians live on Madagascar, the only habitat for wild lemurs in the world, where they arrived some 40-50 million years ago. That’s a long time ago! To put that in context, Dinosaurs went extinct only 15 million years prior. Better yet, they arrived on Madagascar by floating on bits of vegetative debris. Bet you no longer look at driftwood in the same way…

Another fun fact, Lemurs are the world’s largest pollinator. Traveler’s trees or Traveler’s palm rely on the precise hands of Ruffed Lemurs to pull open the fibrous flower, stick their muzzle deep into the flower to eat the nectar, cover themselves in pollen and transport the pollen to the next tree. This cycle ensures a major food source for these animals. Clever Lemurs!

This ancient creature, like all living things, should be respected, cared for and revered. However, sadly they are now considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to be the world’s most endangered mammal.That’s right, the world’s most endangered mammal.

Almost every Madagascan creature is only found on Madagascar, home to the world’s most diverse range of wildlife. Therefore its role in global biodiversity is huge. Like many places around the world, Madagascan wildlife is threatened by human actions such as poaching, hunting, deforestation and the illegal pet trade. Only 10% of the forest remains in Madagascar. Thankfully, there are many organisations around the world who are banding together in a global effort to prevent species extinction. Natureland Wildlife Trust is a part of the Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA) Breeding Programme. This programme, together with other global conservation initiatives, is providing animals like Lemurs with a glimmer of hope. There are many positive movements around the world supporting biodiversity, fighting species loss and promoting conservation. You can help support us by learning more about Lemurs, spreading awareness of the threats facing these animals and bringing friends and family to visit them at places like Natureland.

Go online and check out groups like the Lemur Conservation Network to see the good mahi that’s happening, you too can be a part of helping save Lemurs from extinction. Where there is passion for wildlife, there is hope! Our passionate team at Natureland care deeply about what we do and are happy to have you onboard with our conservation journey.


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