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Te Hītori Aotūroa: Learning from Nature, now until May 5th: Nelson Provincial Museum

Working with precious natural history specimens requires a delicate touch, patience, and involves a fair amount of gentle conversation with the specimen.
In preparation for our current exhibition, Museum Collections Leader Shae Trewin worked to carefully unruffle the crumpled tail feathers of a Toanui or flesh-footed shearwater.
Shae used deionised water, a cotton swab and blotting paper paper-clipped together to relax the feathers back into shape.
Our current exhibition: Te Hītori Aotūroa: Learning from Nature is an incredible opportunity to delve into our natural history collection and learn from the wonders of nature.
On now until May 5th. Entry is free for Nelson Tasman locals.
Find out more about the exhibition and plan your visit here:

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