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Greetings dear friends & fellow navigators, welcome to my world this week. Addiction is like a hole; the more you dig, the harder it will be for you to get out. We all want to change our lives & put an end to our bad habits. We plan & decided ‘I do not want to do this again’ because of some bad habits we have.

We too might be dragged in by those bad habits, & subsequently dug deep into our own hole, the hole of addiction. This hole of addiction can be seen everywhere these days. As an analogy, those who scroll on social media for hours & even not take a pee until they can get out of the phone, or scrolling until the phone battery is empty. Many can even avoid daily goals because of such addictions & often procrastinate often.

It is not wrong in the first place to scroll on social media & enjoy some break time. The problem is when one cannot stop. The more one scrolls, the harder it is to get off the phone, as I understand… This is like digging a hole for yourself, which ends up getting buried if you do not start working. I suspect deleting the mobile from classrooms has some merit?

There were questions I created which actually hit me preparing for this week, & made me think about my own addictions. The questions was:
Imagine yourself in one year, five years, & ten years & still doing your addiction. Do you really want to be like this? My answer in response was no.

I decided 19 years back I did not want to become a statistic & person who procrastinates for the much of a day over the following 10 years, even in 5 years, or even one year from then, I thought I better start stopping my addiction right then because the more I run away from the issues, the harder it would have been to break.

Today, to alleviate the potential addiction issues, which are always there, I only focus on chatting with people I need or someone who needs me. It says the first 90 days will be hard, & typically will be much easier after this initial period. Apparently, it is because of our balance system, the pleasure & pain are starting to balance themselves.

This way, we can enjoy simpler activities, which leads to happiness & pleasure. The problem was I did not know what to do during this period. So, I decided to just go out & socialize with people if I wanted to & if I needed to. Then I call someone from my tribe & talk with them for
an hour or so. I sometimes bought foods I wanted, but then not too much because in my case I needed to avoid damage to my teeth as a result of the muesli bars I was devouring…

So, the key here is the longer you stay with your addiction, the harder it is to break it. The progress you make does not have to be perfect. You can start by eliminating for seven days, then 14 days, & then gradually increasing. This way, hopefully, you will end up seeing the world from the other side.

Addiction is like a wall, holding you back from your own happiness & where you should belong. Once you can overcome this wall, you will see the world differently. You will start becoming more positive & happier than before. Working hard & achieving your goals seem easy when you do not have any bad habits.

So, what comes next you may ask? Having no bad habits does not mean having no rewards or no pleasurable activity you can do. When it comes to bad habits, I have decided not to do them again. Even if I feel the need for it, I still decide not to participate. This way, I can become more motivated to write & even to work.

In the end, start doing positive things now & eliminate your bad habits. Try it for 90, days & see what happens. Do not start tomorrow, but now because there is no end to your addiction other than today. Just remember: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”~ Mark Twain

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide merely an opinion in my world. Thank you again for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. I hope your days are filled with love & affection. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes.

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