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Aspire 2024: Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce

This year at Aspire we will be asking the question, “What makes a STRONG region? Is Nelson Tasman STRONG, if not – why not, and where not?”

There are several key factors that contribute to resilience, growth and stability and we will be focusing on those that impact our business community and consequently our regional economy. Some of the questions we will be asking include:

  • Do we have sufficient access to capital, skills and talented people?
  • Are we embracing technology?
  • Are we enhancing the environment in the way we operate?
  • Are our supply chains and transport networks robust and future proofed?
  • Would we benefit from having one region-wide local authority? If not, why not?

Join us on Friday 5th July for a day of inspiration, collaboration, elucidation and lively discussion. Plus, nice food.

Featuring Key Note Speakers & Panellists:


Click here to find out more…

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