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Natureland Wildlife Trust Unveils Exciting Upgrades and New Arrivals

Natureland Wildlife Trust is abuzz with activity and excitement this month, showcasing recent upgrades and welcoming new feathered friends to their growing family. These updates highlight the ongoing efforts to enhance visitor experiences to Natureland and advance their conservation initiatives.
Upgrades at Natureland: New Flooring and Fresh Paint
Visitors to Natureland Wildlife Trust will immediately notice the impressive upgrades completed recently. The shop now boasts a fresh, modern look, thanks to the generous donation of flooring from Guthrie Bowman (Motueka) and the skilled installation by Contract Flooring Services. The transformation is truly remarkable, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests.
In addition to the new flooring, Natureland has begun painting the shop and office areas, giving these spaces a much-needed refresh. These updates are part of Natureland’s ongoing commitment to improving visitor facilities and ensuring a pleasant and welcoming experience for all.
Arrival of Two New Kaka Males
Natureland is delighted to announce the arrival of two new male Kaka to their conservation corner. These young Kaka are destined for release in the Abel Tasman National Park later this year as part of Project Janszoon.
The new arrivals are the offspring of Natureland’s breeding pairs Maitai and Mahoe, and Kauri and Kawakawa, who are currently residing at the Dunedin Botanical Gardens. There, they are flocking with more mature adult Kaka to learn essential parenting skills—a strategy that has clearly been successful, as evidenced by the healthy new additions to the flock.
The two new Kaka are settling into their new home, and Natureland invites visitors to come view them in the conservation corner. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about these magnificent birds and the crucial conservation work being undertaken to ensure their future.
Generous Donation from Deans Nursery
Natureland Wildlife Trust extends heartfelt gratitude to Deans Nursery for their generous donation of plants. These plants will be utilized to enhance animal exhibits and support educational programs.
Natureland welcomes donations of browse, which are vital for the health and well-being of their animals. A comprehensive list of the types of browse that can be utilized is available on Natureland’s website,
Visit Natureland Today
Natureland Wildlife Trust invites everyone to visit and witness these exciting changes firsthand. With the new upgrades and the arrival of the Kaka, now is the perfect time to explore the park and learn more about the important conservation efforts being made. For more information on how you can support Natureland and their mission, visit their website, or stop by for a visit.


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