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Another Stephen West Mystery Knit-Along (MKAL) project is upon us: Cruellas Natural Fibre Boutique

It’s almost our favourite time of year again! Another Stephen West Mystery Knit-Along (MKAL) project is upon us and we can hardly wait
What we know: Go Go Dynamo is the name of this project which will be a shawl and needs two colours of 4ply yarn – 200g of each colour. We will receive one section of the pattern (clue) per week with clue one being released on the 3rd October.
What we don’t know: what our shawls will look like! Stephen is going to surprise us with a section of the pattern per week where we usually learn some cool new stitches or skills and have fun guessing what he will have us do next.
Have a look at the video and/or the ravelry page for this project and come and see us to choose your colours if you’d like to join us on this annual adventure!!

Credit:  Stephen West


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