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Let it Be…

Greeting dear friends & fellow navigators, & welcome to my world this weekend. I often reflect a strange karmic rhythm to life. Just when you think you have hit rock bottom, the universe throws you a lifeline, & when everything seems smooth, life has a way of reminding you to stay grounded.

It is almost like we jinx ourselves whenever we overthink things. Typically, the best moments in life tend to sneak up on you when you are not expecting them. You are just going about your day, & suddenly, it hits you ~ this is what I want my life to feel like. Plus, it is rarely because of something big or grand. Rather in the little moments. Maybe it is finding
excitement in a new routine, or the burst of energy you get after a workout, or another Tasman Mako win. These tiny moments are like warm hugs from the world, making your showers feel more relaxing & your sleep more peacefully.

Life is like a playground. Some days, the sun shines just right, & everything feels fun, like our Mako team winning a Ranfurly Shield. You are running around, laughing with your friends, & feeling unstoppable. It is like you are flying high on the swings, & this is when life feels incredible. But then, we start worrying. What if the swing slows down? What if the fun stops?

So when life is fun & amazing, let it be. Do not worry about what comes next. Laugh until your belly hurts. Play until your legs feel like jelly, & when the fun slows down, it is okay ~ because you will know you lived every moment to the fullest.

Life gives us these moments of happiness, like little gifts. When you get one, open it up, smile, & savour it. Even if the happiness fades for a while, let it be, there is always more waiting for you.

When life feels incredible, do not overthink it. Let the positive energy flow into everything you do. It might sound strange, but even work can feel incredible if you approach it with the right mindset. There is something deeply fulfilling about focusing on one goal, putting in the effort, & pushing yourself to see what you are capable of. You may be way out of your comfort zone, unsure if you will succeed. But as you dig deeper, you will find your rhythm. Suddenly, things start to make sense. By the time you finish, there is this incredible sense of accomplishment ~ not because everything was perfect, but because you gave it your all. This is the beauty of work ~ it is not just about what you do; it is about who you become in the process.

When you see life this way, even the smallest things feel special. Like catching the sunset on your way home, the sky painted beautifully, reminding you beauty exists right above you every day. Or sipping your morning coffee, feeling the warmth of the cup in your hands, with the quiet promise of a good day ahead. Or a Mako Ranfurly Shield challenge win… These little moments are the hidden magic of life, making you pause & appreciate just being here.

When you stop questioning life, when you stop trying to control everything, the way you see the world changes. Life does not suddenly become easier, but you start noticing the good in your everyday routine. You smile more, even on tough days, & you do not always know why. When you let go of the need to have all the answers, you find a quiet sense of peace. You stop measuring success by how much you have achieved & start measuring it by how much you have lived.

Life can be incredible if you let it. You do not need grand moments or flashy victories. You do not need to worry about what is coming next. Rather, it is the simple realization you are okay ~ right here, right now. Given you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You do not need to ask why or how long it will last. You just need to breathe it in, let it wash over you, & know, for now, this is enough. It does not need to be perfect to be beautiful. It just needs to be lived.

And when you stop searching for the extraordinary & start living in the now, you will be amazed at how much more life has to offer.

Just few observations again dear friends, & provide an opinion in my world. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your being here. If my journey encourages you also, all is well with my soul. Looking forward to being back next week; this is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson with best wishes

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