Hello… | Sigi Kennedy & Surrender to form | Marama Hannah Mayrick at Refinery ArtSpace
Hello… | Sigi Kennedy
“Hello” is an afterthought relating to Sigi Kennedy’s exhibition “Do you copy”, which dealt with human connection, communication and finding our people. This latest series “Hello” is about communication and miscommunication and the basis of our own capacities.
“Each individual observes a situation differently and interprets a conversation through their own lens, like two worlds colliding. Almost like each party of a conversation or argument is in their own dimension or parallel universe and they overlap and connect in some areas, but overall there are separate worlds happening in each person’s head.

Surrender to form | Marama Hannah Mayrick
Mayrick ‘s ceramics practice has been a crucible of frustration and vulnerability, teaching her to embrace failure. ‘To be a potter is to surrender to the unpredictability of the material and heat + time. The kiln becomes the receptacle of transformation, where the alchemy of heat and earth reveals the beauty of imperfection and the lessons of attachment. It is in this delicate balance of control and surrender that I find meaning.’ Surrender to form is Mayrick’s debut solo exhibition.
On until 8th February.
#nelsonpottery #nelsonartists #nelsontasman #uniquelynelson
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