Pure Eco Painting – thinking outside the square
What does a local painting company and the Amazon rainforest have in common? We spoke to Jonny Anderson, the owner of Pure Eco Painting and discovered a heartwarming story that…
What does a local painting company and the Amazon rainforest have in common? We spoke to Jonny Anderson, the owner of Pure Eco Painting and discovered a heartwarming story that…
When I was a kid, I was asked by my teacher to participate in a dance competition and represent my class, but I was too scared to go on a…
When you think of embracing your inner child, you might think of goofing around, being silly and ultimately acting unlike that of an adult. Instead, think about embracing your inner…
Looking for a sleek modern pendant to go over a kitchen island or bench? A customised linear pendant made to fit your kitchen is a great solution! We can get…
The heat is on! Using our hands and nature’s elements to make keepsake treasures, right here in Nelson NZ!! www.louisedouglas.com
As we are getting closer to Anzac Day, we thought we would share an Anzac colouring activity. How neat would it be to put some poppies in our windows in…
Plant propagation — “This potted plant was looking tired after many years doing a good job in the pot. Lamb's ears, Stachys. I removed the whole plant from the pot,…
Take time out from your usual routine and enjoy the pleasure of our DETOX SPA RADIANCE tea. Made with a blend of the finest ingredients, all chosen for their natural…
Hey all I have a new show out now “Is it Art or is it Craft”. Join me as we explore art and craft marketing in today’s changing creative environments.…