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Foul-mouthed parrots split up for swearing too much

A British zoo has had to separate a group of five African Grey parrots because their language was too strong for younger visitors. The parrots - named Eric, Jade, Elsie, Tyson and Billy - are residents at the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park having all been rehomed there from different owners. Park chief executive Steve Nichols told Morning Report the keepers at the park were given a bit of a warning about what they were in for. He may look cute, but he's got a mean mouth. Photo: Facebook/Lincolnshire Wildlife Park "They'll turn around and tell you exactly what they like to eat and what their favourite toy is and then just as they fill the form in, you'll get that little quiet voice where they'll turn around, say 'I do apologise, but Billy does actually have a few choice words as well.'" Swearing parrots aren't exactly new though and Nichols said the staff laughed it off, but he soon discovered the problem was worse than first thought when he found himself working in an office next to the quarantine area. "I actually thought it was some rowdy keepers that we've got that I thought they were getting a little bit over the top with each other," he said. "I went in the room to explain to them to stop, just quieten it down a little, and was very shocked when I walked in and there were no people there it was just parrots." The problem was the parrots were egging each other on. Nichols explained one parrot would swear and another would laugh, then another parrot would swear worse, prompting more laughter from the other parrots. It was hard for the park's human inhabitants to not join in too. "It is so difficult not to laugh when you're walking past and one of the parrots just swears, just literally blurts it out. You can't help but laugh, you know, it's just impossible not to." But for Nichols it soon became a bit personal. The parrots came to recognise him and soon came up with their own nickname for him. "When I walk past they'll shout 'oi you fat tw*t' and it's like, 'I've just lost two stone that's very nice, why are you saying that?" On top of that it was becoming a problem for the park's visitors. "We can't really have it for the children," Nichols said. "It's not very nice when the children are going back to nanny and asking what this word is that this parrot said." The group have all been moved to different parts of the park where they can't talk to each other and cause problems.
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US Election 2020: Who are the Proud Boys – and who are antifa?

President Trump mentioned a far-right group during the first presidential debate, kicking off online celebrations by its supporters. Yellow smoke fills the air as an American flag is raised at the start of a Proud Boys rally at Delta Park in Portland, Oregon on September 26, 2020. Photo: AFP / Maranie R Staab "Proud Boys - stand back and stand by," he said, in a response to a question asking him to condemn white supremacist and militia groups. Members of the group online took the answer as a call to prepare for action. Trump then insisted that violence was coming from far-left activists: "Somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left, because this is not a right-wing problem." Joe Biden, the Democratic challenger, answered back: "Antifa is an idea, not an organisation. That is what [President Trump's] FBI director said." Over the past few years, a number of fringe groups have been engaged in politically motivated violence on American streets. So who are Proud Boys and antifa? Proud Boys Founded in 2016 by Canadian-British right-wing activist Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys is a far-right, anti-immigrant, all-male group with a history of street violence against its left-wing opponents. The group's name is a reference to a song from the musical version of the Disney film Aladdin. Members often wear black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirts along with red "Make America Great Again" hats. A Proud Boy must declare that he is "a Western chauvinist who refuses to apologise for creating the modern world". Their platform, such as it is, includes Trumpian ideas ("glorify the entrepreneur", "close the border") libertarianism ("give everyone a gun", "end welfare") and traditional gender roles ("venerate the housewife"). They're not exclusively white - yet have became notorious for violent political confrontations. The Proud Boys and affiliated groups have faced off against antifa in a number of violent street rallies in the last two years, most notably in Oregon, Washington and New York. Two members were jailed last year for beating up antifa activists in New York. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have all banned the group from their platforms, and members and official chapters have been largely shunted towards less-popular networks. Enrique Tarrio, the group's current chair, reacted to the debate on the alternative discussion network Parler: "Standing by sir.... I will stand down sir!!!" Leaders of the Proud Boys, a right-wing pro-Trump group, Enrique Tarrio (right) and Joe Biggs (left) embrace each other as the Proud boys members gather with their allies in a rally called "End Domestic Terrorism" against Antifa in Portland, Oregon on 26 September, 2020. Photo: AFP / John Rudoff / Anadolu Agency Founder Gavin McInnes publicly disassociated himself from the group in 2018, saying that he was taking the advice of his legal team. But in a video reacting to Tuesday's debate, he said (albeit not seeming entirely serious): "I control the Proud Boys, Donald. Do not stand down, do not stand back." On the chat app Telegram, Proud Boys shared the debate clip along with posts taunting antifa and incorporating the phrase "stand back, stand by" into the group's logo. Meanwhile, critics of the president loudly condemned him. Antifa Antifa, short for "anti-fascist", is a loose affiliation of mostly far-left activists. They include anarchists, but also communists and a few social democrats. What sets them apart is their willingness to use violence - in self-defence, they say. The movement, which at one point almost entirely disappeared in the US, saw a surge of interest after the election of Donald Trump. They routinely clash with the far right. The group has been prominent during Black Lives Matter protests in many major cities, and have been particularly associated with unrest in Portland, Oregon. A man holds an anti-fascism flag as hundreds of demonstrators gather and march to the City Public Safety Building over Daniel Prude's death in Rochester, New York, United States on September 6, 2020. Photo: AFP / Tayfun Coskun / Anadolu Agency In late August, a self-described anti-fascist, 48-year-old Michael Reinoehl, shot and killed a supporter of Patriot Prayer, a Portland-area group that often marches with the Proud Boys. Reinoehl was shot dead by police the following week. Both groups are relatively small - and can count on, at the most, a few thousand active supporters. But their propensity for violence, particularly when they confront each other on American streets, has made them a much bigger topic of conversation than those numbers suggest. -BBC
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Australian government wants to boost manufacturing after learning lessons of Covid-19

The Australian government will pump close to $A1.5 billion into the manufacturing sector, outlining plans to shore up local production and strengthen supply chains in the wake of Covid-19. The Australian government's investment will prioritise medicines and medical products. Photo: AFP / Sigrid Gombert / Cultura Creative Under the manufacturing strategy unveiled on Wednesday, $A107 million will be dedicated to strengthening supply lines for essential goods. That money will prioritise medicines and medical products, with the goal of boosting Australia's ability to provide critical supplies for itself during surges in demand. A separate $A1.3b will spent over the next four years, starting in the first half of 2021, to help manufacturers upscale their businesses, with additional focus on turning concepts into finished products, and integrating into global supply chains. The money will be distributed to businesses willing to co-invest with the government in six priority areas: Resources technology and critical minerals Food and beverages Medical products Recycling and clean energy Defence Space In addition, $A52m will be spent on a second round of the government's manufacturing modernisation fund. Australia's PM says manufacturing jobs changing Recent research from the The Australia Institute's Centre for Future Work ranked Australia lowest among OECD countries in terms of manufacturing self-sufficiency. Industry Minister Karen Andrews said the government and industry had learned lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. "Our manufacturers have risen to the challenge to deliver during Covid-19 and now we're unlocking their potential to deliver for our future," she said. "By playing to our strengths, strategically investing and boosting the role of science and technology in industry, we can open up new markets and take more of our quality products to the world." Prime Minister Scott Morrison will outline more details of the plan in a pre-budget speech at the National Press Club, where he will say manufacturing jobs are increasingly being created away from the assembly line, the ABC reports. "Today's advanced manufacturing enterprise stretches from the labs doing the research and development, the skilled workers doing the design and engineering, through to sales, marketing and after-sale services," his speech says. "Increasingly, this is where most of the value is created - around half of the jobs in manufacturing are in these parts of the manufacturing process." Morrison will say the government plans to work with industry over the next six months to develop road maps for each of the priority manufacturing areas targeted by the government. "The roadmaps will set clear goals and performance indicators - such as jobs, R&D and investment - over the next two, five and 10 years," he will say. - ABC
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